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-What is Slacklining & how can I benefit from it?-


We get this question A LOT and we love answering it because there are MANY reasons why people slackline. There are so many benefits and it all depends on what your personal goals are:

  • Physical alignment - from head to toe

  • Increase in core strength and overall strength

  • Increase in awareness and use of stabilizing muscles (medial and micro muscles)

  • Increase in proprioception - awareness of position and movement of the physical body (helped me become less clumsy!)

  • Mental balance - what you do to your body you do to your mind

  • Confidence booster (some of us thought we would never be able to slackline!)

  • Quiet down the mind - great for meditation

  • Increase in ability to focus (especially being out in public - I call this 'becoming the eye of the storm')

  • Increase in awareness of subtle energy body

  • Increase in dexterity of feet - so many meridian points in our feet!

  • Increase in overall resiliency - learning how to be OK with falling. It's about picking yourself back up and trying again, and again, and AGAIN. You got this!!!

  • Increase in self-love, appreciation for your body, and overall gratitude for the practice. 


The great thing is that as you advance in your personal practice, your reasons and relationship with this thin line will change, just as your relationship with your mind and body will too! We encourage you to remain present with your Self and understand that everyone shows up for their own reasons. 


-Is Slacklining difficult?-


Trying something new can always be a challenge and an activity such as slacklining can be especially difficult. How quickly one achieves walking/balancing on a slackline can be influenced by many factors such as other balance/embodiment practices, overall health, awareness level of the body, and the amount of time you practice. 


The key to success with slacklining is understanding that stillness is not the objective (although it can be but stillness, in my perspective, is not a destination but merely part of the journey), and although setting goals is excellent (such as walking to the middle of the line, taking two steps, etc), we can sometimes lose sight of the present moment.


Slacklining is about learning to go with the flow which requires us to become aware, awake, and present in the constant unfolding of the moment - this can be more challenging than actually walking on the line! Being imbalanced, falling, and “not doing it right” is all a part of 'the flow' - this is where we can learn the most about ourselves. 


-What can I expect from a Slacklining class?-


We spend time in the beginning of our practice warming up, using intuitive movement, breath work, and yoga as a foundation, as well as various tools to stretch and roll out our muscles. 

Anyone new to the practice will receive  instruction from our teachers. 


Key pointers?

-Expect to fall; falling is a huge part of the process. It’s really about how you pick yourself back up and try again (which is an excellent metaphor for life!)

- Check your posture - heart open and lifted, eyes forward, engage your core

- BREATHE - our breath is everything! 


Overall, it’s important to embody the 4 "P’s" of Slacklining: Practice, Persistence, and Patience.


We honor the fact that every BODY is different and changes day to day and moment to moment, so be easy with yourself and take the practice one step at a time. 


-What should I bring to a Slacklining class/event?-


We advise that you bring a water, a snack, a yoga mat, and your beautiful self!


All equipment is provided by Elevated Slacklining, however you are welcome to bring your own slackline too! 


-What should I wear to a class?-


Since we move around a lot, you should wear clothes that are comfortable and allow you to move freely in your body. Examples of what students wear are yoga pants, sweats, t-shirt, and free-running shoes. A lot of people slackline barefoot but you can also do so in shoes (no socks, please). If you wear shoes, some of the best are VivoBarefoot or Xero Shoes.  


-Where can I purchase a Slackline?-


There are so many brands of slacklines available these days it can be a little overwhelming to choose and know which one is right for you. If you are new to slacklining, some of the best kits to start on are the 2-inch ratchet kits made by companies such as Gibbon and Slackline Industries.  My favorite slackline is from the YogaSlackersit's  1-inch webbing, versus the 2-inch, but the feel of it is so different, not as bouncy and allows for more fluidity (and is better for practicing yoga).


-What should I expect from a 1-on-1/private session?-


Private classes are specifically designed to meet the needs of each body and soul. 


With a blend of breath work, meditation, and mobility exercises, you will receive careful 1-on-1 guidance through the basics of slacklining. We will work together to lay out the foundation for the practice and build from there. 


Depending on your personal goals, private sessions can include a component of intuitive Depth counseling. 


Engaging in physical practices, especially ones that are a bit vulnerable and allow for new vibration in the body, tend to open us up and release stagnant energy, so we create space for whatever may come up. 


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